
Nixons rhymes with Kittens..kinda

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I’m playing a co-headlining acoustic show soon with Tyson Meade. He was the frontman for the Chainsaw Kittens. I will now step outside my body, re-read that and truly not really be able to believe it. For those of you who don’t know the Kittens; here’s the perspective from me. Let’s back up and go to the brain (and heart and guts) of my 20 year old self. I was a student at OU in Norman, OK. Just getting my rock band, The Nixons, off the ground. What you do in that case is look around at other bands and artists. Here are the first two I had front and center in the local scene: Flaming Lips and Chainsaw Kittens. Both those bands moved us in a massive way. Now, if you know The Nixons music, you’re thinking...what the hell? There’s not much of those bands influence in The Nixons. But, yeah there is. Especially the live shows. They both rocked. They went all out. All in. Lights. Sweat. Show. And personality. They were just cool. And we just wanted to be some version of that.

Fast forward to an event I founded, The Oklahoma Songwriters Festival. Last year was year 3. It’s a 3 day event where we bring in songwriters from Nashville to perform, write and talk music in OKC. On the way to an event one night I get a text:

“...Tyson Meade here. I am proud of what you’re doing with your song fest. I would love to introduce you at the Saturday event and say a few words”.
He did intro me that year and tell flattering stories and say nice things. Fast forward again (last time) to this past Fest. He got on stage and we performed “She’s Gone Mad” together. Rewind (last time for that too) to me playing

acoustic gigs in Norman in college. I played songs and many nights not many people paid much attention. But that song. It was by that cool band that literally lives down the street. Made those nights better. Getting to duet it with Tyson over 20 years later was truly awesome.

Now, the moment that might just best it (woven into a shameless plug). Tyson and I will share the stage again in Tulsa July 26. Vanguard (plug #2: go buy tickets). We will trade songs. I will sing one, then the Kitten, then the Nixon, etc.

Selfishly, I would’ve done this just for fun. No money. Don’t tell the Vanguard that.

“She’s gone mad again, she does it silently. And all of the feathers from her pillow fall on the floor. And does this mean, she doesn’t love me anymore?”